Friday, September 25, 2009

Longest lunch ever

Was supposed to post this post yesterday but... I was down with food poisoning. Bummer ._.

Anyway, let me ask you all something. Have you ever traveled long just to have your lunch? Well, I did.

Traveled 2 hours just for my lunch the day before yesterday. That day, after doing the video shoot of our prom promotional video, we decided to have lunch at Santosh's father's restaurant. I thought it was near, so I tagged along. Me, Cheng Heng, Santosh and his brothers traveled 2 hours just to reach his father's restaurant.

Sounds exaggerated? Believe me. We waited almost an hour for a bus to bring us all to Bandar Tasik Selatan train station. Then as we reach there, the train we were supposed to board on just departed. Had to wait for another few minutes. Once the train reaches, we traveled from there to Masjid Jamek. Took about 20 minutes or so to get there. Then, we switched train and from Masjid Jamek, we went to Taman Jaya. Another 20 minutes or so trip.

Then we walked to this one mall by foot and finally reached the restaurant. From 2 something, we traveled until it was 4 something in the evening. I, for once, couldn't resist anymore and swept Santosh's father's foods over there. Food was superbly delicious, not to mention free. ;D (it was on the house by Santosh). Santosh's family was chatting in the restaurant, so me, Cheng Heng and Santosh took a walk around the mall. We even played a little game of pool. I was the newbie there so basically, I was bullied. LOL.

I thought I could finally go back, I stood corrected. Then once we head back to the restaurant, Santosh's mom and cousin came and they began chatting again. It was already 6 something. I told my mom I was going out for lunch and will be back a bit late, but not THIS late. Cheng Heng said he's going to head home first, I decided to tag along with him. So we left the mall and traveled by train again. From Taman Jaya to KL Central, then we switch train again. From KL Central to Subang Jaya. We walked all the way to Carrefour cause Cheng Heng wanted to do some groceries.

After that, Cheng Heng's mom came and they fetched me back home. Told my mom I would reach home at 8 and accurately, I did so. XD

Well, I guess that day could be the longest lunch of my life. Tiring yet oddly fun. Although my wallet did took a huge toll from all those traveling fees. Bummer ._.


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